Mme effect tutorial
Mme effect tutorial

The CVN68Nimitz Collection -> /user/1737 / /user/illust… The Ctrl_Alt_Delete Collection -> /user/131082 The Chestnutscoop Collection (that's me uwu) -> /user/505413 / / On Bowlroll. The CegooK Collection -> /user/11769 Twitter -> CegooK O_tonemap 改変 (translates to o_tonemap modified ) O_Tonemap 改変 (translates to o_Tonemap modification ) IkPostarize 改変 _vivid (translates to ikPostarize modified_vivid) IkOverray 改変 _sky (translates to ikOverray modified_sky) IkLensGhost 改変 _square (translates to ikLensGhost modified_square) The Black Collection (known also as 黒, K_keyplate, Kuro and くろ ) -> /user/98170 / /user/illust… Twitter -> k _keyplate 飛び出すハート & 衝撃波エフェクトモデル配布 (translates to Protruding Heart and Shockwave Effect) 自動で光線を発射する装置作 (translates to A Device that Automatically Emits Light) MMDエンジン式雨粒パーティクル (translates to Engine Rain Particle) エンジン式雨粒パーティクル (translates to Engine-Type Raindrop Effect)ĮX モルガンエフェクト (translates to Ex Morgan Effect) The Bentou-t Collection -> /user/27403 / 緑シャツおじさんエフェクト (translates to Green Shirt Uncle Effect) 当たり判定付きふかふか草むら (translates to Fluffy Grass With Hits) (this may just be grass effect, I shall check) 宵闇の中舞い降りた白銀の堕天使 (translates to Silver Fallen Angel Falling Down in Dusk) 多光源エフェクト (translates to Multi-Light Source Effect) 境界保持平滑化フィルター (translates to Boundary-preserving Smoothing Filter) ポスト映り込みエフェクト (translates to Post Reflection Effect) H7NewEffects (this is a collection of updated effects such as ToneMap, useful if you want the newest versions) The BeammanP Collection (known also as Beamman / Lobelia / Robelia) -> / /user/illust… Twitter -> BeammanPįull_and_Metall (Glass and Metal available)įull_ テクスチャ補間オフ (translates to Texture interpolation off)įar_v1_0 (this is actually furshader, but its misspelled in the file directory) 発光コンタク ト (translates to Luminous Contacts) I hope some of these effects will inspire artwork! /user/9121 / /user/illust… Twitter -> 966MMDĩ66_ オトギバナシトゥー ン (translates to 966_Otogibanashi Toon) Everyone seems to use the same Beamman and ikeno effects, when there are I hope to draw attention to some lesser-known effects too. I make the masterlist, so you don't have to worry! I would recommend organising your own effect folder in this way, as you can group updated effects together and keep track of which version belongs to which creator. I am attempting to document every single MMD effect I can find in collections, so that users can easily access a diverse range of effects and know who to credit. WELCOME TO THE COMPLETE COLLECTION OF MMD EFFECTS! Please favourite both deviations to receive updates, as the more I add effects in, the more these links will move around

Mme effect tutorial